The Goal: A Business Graphic Novel
My wife introduced me to this book when we met. She was a Vice President, running the manufacturing operation for a firm I’d recently joined, and passionate about her work. The Goal was one of the first business-focused books I ever read, and not at all what I had expected. Instead of some formal, scholarly book, it is gripping novel with characters you can relate to, building an increased mastery of the Theory of Constraints as they work through a series of challenges.
This is actually one of the definitive lean manufacturing textbooks, but has broad applicability across industries. Working in technology, I was able to apply many “Theory of Constraints” principles to my day-to-day work, and I consider this almost a precursor of The Phoenix Project – another critical fiction-based business book, but focused on technology.
This is actually book one of a series, which includes Critical Chain, and It’s Not Luck – all of which, I highly recommend. This is also available in normal book format.